Thursday, March 12, 2015

Canna Lilies Are the Devil: Part 1

While on a long car trip with  the mother of my best friend (and fellow blog contributor) Melody, I read aloud to her from the book Paradise Lot by Eric Toensmeier. She also happens to be my former Biology teacher and a former forester, so I was sure she'd be intrigued by permaculture. When she heard how passionate I was about the subject, and after she mentioned how lackluster her backyard had become, we decided to solve both our problems at once! Thus, my first official permaculture project was born! Mrs. Snow (yes, that's her name!) is giving me almost free roam over the back patch of her backyard, for me to test out all the permaculture principles I've learned.

It was perfect! Sure, it may be a tangled mess of overgrowth, but it gets FULL SUN, faces the south, and the only tree that could cause shade is going to be removed! In other words, it was a dream come true.
The only problem is, the sunny patch of her yard that I wanted to work in has been completely overrun by canna lilies for the past 11 years. Do you see that brownish patch in the middle of the photo? Dormant canna lilies. 

What are canna lilies, you may ask?

Well, according to Melody and Mrs. Snow, they're a voracious weed that spreads by its roots and takes over everything in their path. They'd been trying to get rid of them for years, and were interested to see whether I could contain them. Being the fearless Forest Queen that I am, I welcomed the challenge.

Unfortunately, in mid-March, their giant stems are like dried corn stalks, but the base of the stems are too slimy to cut with the loppers, and their roots are like anchors, so yanking them up wasn't an option.